FLNR Scientific Program 2023

Synthesis and Properties of Superheavy Elements, the Structure of Nuclei at the Limits of Nucleon Stability

Leaders:    M.G. Itkis
Scientific leader:   Yu.Ts. Oganessian

Participating Countries and International Organizations:

Belgium, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:

Synthesis of nuclei at stability limits and the investigation of their properties. Investigation of the mechanisms of heavy-ioninduced reactions. Study of the physical and chemical properties of heavy and superheavy elements.

Expected results in the current year:

  • Experiments at the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator GFS-2 of the SHE Factory aimed at studying the production cross sections of nuclei in reactions with the 48Ca, 50Ti and 54Cr ions and the decay properties of synthesized nuclei.
  • Preparation for the synthesis of elements 119 and 120.
  • Experiments on the study of the radioactive decay (α-, β-decay, spontaneous fission) properties of short-lived isotopes with Z>100 (No, Rf, Sg) produced in reactions with Ne, Ca, Ti, and Cr ions at the SHELS and GRAND (GFS-3) separators using the GABRIELA and SFiNX detector systems.
  • Experiments for studying the chemical properties of Cn and Fl at the Superheavy Element Factory.
  • Development of technologies for manufacturing accelerator targets from stable and radioactive isotopes, which are stable under long irradiation with high-intensity heavy-ion beams.
  • Investigation of mass-energy and angular distributions of fragments produced in multi-nucleon transfer reactions. Study of the multi-body decay of low-excited heavy and superheavy nuclei. Development of physics set-ups.
  • Study of nuclei near the boundaries of nucleon stability. Preparation for and the conduct of experiments at the ACCULINNA2 fragment separator using radioactive beams and the cryogenic targets H2, D2, T2, 3He, and 4He.
  • Experiments at the MAVR set-up aimed at studying reactions with the emission of fast charged particles near the kinematic limit in coincidence with fission fragments. Experiments for studying the structure of neutron-rich nuclei in transfer reactions. Measurements of individual channel cross sections and total cross sections for the reactions with weakly bound nuclei.
  • Theoretical studies of the mechanisms of nuclear reactions with heavy ions.
  • Maintenance and update of the web knowledge base on nuclear physics
  • From 03-5-1130-2017/2023 item of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation 2023.
Development of the FLNR Accelerator Complex and Experimental Setups (DRIBs-III)
Leaders:    I.V. Kalagin
   S.N. Dmitriev
Scientific leader:   Yu.Ts. Oganessian

Participating Countries and International Organizations:

Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, USA.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:

The implementation of the DRIBs-III project that includes the upgrade and development of the FLNR cyclotron complex, expansion of the experimental infrastructure of the Laboratory (construction of new physics set-ups), and the development of accelerator systems. The project aims at improving the operation stability of accelerators, increasing the intensity and improving the quality of ion beams of stable and radioactive nuclides in the energy range from 5 to 100 MeV/nucleon, while at the same time reducing power consumption. The project objective is to significantly improve the efficiency of experiments on the synthesis of superheavy elements and light nuclei at nucleon drip lines and study of their properties. Moreover, the programme of experiments with beams of radioactive nuclides is anticipated to be expanded.

Expected results in the current year:

  • Support for experiments on the synthesis of superheavy elements and study of their properties at the Superheavy Element Factory
  • Development of a pre-separator for radiochemical studies at of SHE (GASSOL)
  • Development of a separator for multinucleon transfer reaction products (STAR).
  • Completion of the upgrade and the commissioning of the U-400M cyclotron.
  • Development of the infrastructure of the ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator (RF kicker, tritium system).
  • Implementation of the programme of physics experiments at the U-400 cyclotron.
  • Construction of the U-400R cyclotron experimental hall.
  • Preparation for the reconstruction of the U-400 cyclotron (U-400R).
  • Development of the detector system in the focal plane of the MAVR analyzer and the MULTI spectrometer comprising a 4π-neutron detector and a gamma-detector.
  • Development of methods for the diagnostics of beams of stable and radioactive nuclides.
  • Further work on constructing the GALS separation set-up based on selective laser ionization of nuclear reaction products stopped in gas.
  • Completion of assembling the cryogenic gas ion catcher and the start of adjusting the vacuum and cryogenic systems.
  • Construction of the DC-140 cyclotron
  • Elaboration of data for designing a radiochemical laboratory of class 1.

From 03-0-1129-2017/2023 item of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation 2023.

Radiation Physics, Radiochemistry, and Nanotechnology Investigations Using Beams of Accelerated Heavy Ions
Leaders:   S.N. Dmitriev
P.Yu. Apel

Participating Countries and International Organizations:

Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, South Africa, USA.

Issues addressed and main goals of research: Transition to a new level of research and development in the fields of radiation solid-state physics, applied radiochemistry, and materials science, with possible nanotechnology applications. The main emphasis will be on the modification of materials at the nanometer scale and on the study of the effects produced by heavy ions in matter with the aim of revealing the fundamental mechanisms and developing nanotechnology applications of ion beams. Upgrade of the FLNR facilities for the production of medical isotopes and the development of materials modification methods.

Expected results in the current year

  • Determination of the radiation resistance of MgAl2O4 to swift heavy-ion irradiation using optical spectroscopy.
  • Modelling of swift heavy-ion tracks in subsurface layers and interfaces of nanostructured dielectric and composite materials
  • Production of self-organized silver and gold nanostructures on the surface of polyester and polyimide track membranes as platforms for analytical devices.
  • Development of track membranes functionalized by silver nanoparticles and aptamers for concentrating and detecting viruses in the environment. Construction of sensors based on track membranes using a Raman-active label for detecting viral contamination.
  • Development of track membranes based on immobilized proteins suppressing the damage of nucleic acid for the study of free DNA in the environment and for the use in non-destructive methods of material analysis.
  • Development and study of track membranes coated with amphipathic fusion inhibitors and other virucidal compounds against RNA containing enveloped viruses.
  • Analysis of the effect of the chemical composition and the architecture of the track membrane porous structure on cell growth. Development of bioreactors using track membranes for cell growth with a view to fabricating personalized tissue prostheses.
  • Production of hybrid nanomaterials using ion track etching technologies, vacuum deposition, electrospinning of polymer nanofibers, and directed chemical modification for novel separation processes and energy conservation.
  • Optimization of the parameters for the formation of nanoscale coatings based on polyolefins, fluoropolymers, and organosilicon compounds formed on the surfaces of polyethylene terephthalate track membranes from an active gas phase.
  • Assessment of the distribution of trace elements and radionuclides in the ecosystems of the Gobi region of Mongolia.
  • Acquisition of nuclear data required for producing nuclear medicine radioisotopes using MT-25 microtron.

From 04-5-1131-2017/2023 item of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation 2023.