Accelerator department
Head of department SEMIN Vasiliy Alexeevich Office Phone: (7 49621) 6 23 51, room/build. 209/131; Email: Vasily Semin is among the …
Head of department SEMIN Vasiliy Alexeevich Office Phone: (7 49621) 6 23 51, room/build. 209/131; Email: Vasily Semin is among the …
MITROFANOV Semen Viacheslavovich, Deputy chief engineerOffice phone: 6 41 52; room/build. 215/131; Email: KOLESOV Ivan Vasilievich, Chief technical expertOffice phone: 6 …
Dubnium is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Db and atomic number 105. “In 1968 …
18.05.2018 – FLNR Scientific Seminar “Applications and societal benefits of nuclear physics”, 11-00, Flerov Lab Conference Hall. Speaker: Sylvie Leray, CEA Saclay, …
Tennessine is a superheavy artificial chemical element with an atomic number of 117 and a symbol of Ts. Also known as eka-astatine or …
11.05.2018 – FLNP Scientific Seminar “Neutrons in exotic nuclei”, 11-00, FLNP Conference Hall (2nd floor). Speaker: Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, (FLNR JINR) The problems related …
Years 1957-1958 Photos by Zolnikov P.I. (DLNP JINR) May 4, 1957 May …
The idea of creating an acceleration complex for the production of radioactive …
FLNR history, everyday life, achievements and main activities in short videos. SHE Factory first two experiments JINR delegation at “Sirius” education center, …
Oganesson, symbol Og is a transactinide chemical element with the atomic number 118 in the periodic table. It is a synthetic element, also known as element …