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GABRIELA (Gamma Alpha Beta Recoil Investigations with the ELectromagnetic Analyser) is a multi-detector array placed at the focal plane of the SHELS separator. Originally it consisted of four multichannel plates to …

SHELS setup

Properties of previously unknown 227Pu isotope are studied at FLNR FLNR scientists are the first to synthesize a new neutron-deficient isotope 246Fm …

Commissioning of DC-280 cyclotron complex

12.07.2018 – Commissioning of DC-280 cyclotron complex  Commissioning of DC-280 cyclotron complex (JINR TV, July 12, 2018) FLNR JINR DC-280 cyclotron complex. Commissioning of all …


“Anatoly Grigorievich Artukh: Experimenter. Organizer. Optimist” The COMBAS wide-aperture fragment separator (the complex of a fast analyzer spectrometer) has been designed and …