11.03.2021 – FLNR Scientific Seminar “Data acquisition and control systems used for synthesis of superheavy elements at DGFRS-I and DGFRS-II FLNR JINR”, 15-30, Flerov Lab Conference Hall and online.
Speaker: Schlattauer Leo.
Many experimental results were successfully obtained using different DAQ setups for the Dubna Gas-filled recoil separator (DGFRS-I). Synthesis of elements 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 118 of the Periodic Table, were performed here. The new SHE factory have promising chances for new discoveries in the Periodic table of elements. There is also chance to perform in depth studies of the currently known isotopes. This talk will follow my contribution regarding the experiments on DGFRS-I and DGFRS-II experimental facilities. This talk will provide detailed description of new on site developed subsystems for both facilities by author together with electronic measurement group and with cooperation of Palacky University Olomouc Czech Republic.
System for automatic accelerated io beam energy measurement (TOF) used on DGFRS-I from U-400 and DGFRS-II DC-280 cyclotron.
PXI digitizer-based part of our whole spectrometer system which consists up to 304 individual channels of 14bit 100MSaS 0-250MeV range.
Design and deployment of automatic data logger for technological parameters of DGFRS-II.
Programming of automatic alarm software for operator of DGFRS-II in NI LabVIEW.
Design and deployment of custom HW for online DC-280 beam control from spectrometer room 221 and other technological parameters of the DGFRS-II separator.
Design and deployment of custom programmable timing and logical TTL shaping block.
Remote vacuum control clients for Pfeiffer TPG and CenterThree vacuum controllers.
Remote control of PID gas flow of pentane for DGFRS-II detector chamber.
Project for particle position determination system from Double Sided Silicon strip detector.
Chosen DGFRS-II current results from ongoing experiments will be mentioned.