The 95th NuPECC meeting in JINR, Dubna
21 – 22 June, 2019. International Conference Hall, Dubna
- NuPECC meeting in the International Conference Hall
NuPECC Chairman, Prof. Marek Lewitowicz, who is also Chairman of the JINR PAC for Nuclear Physics, commented on the NuPECC Committee and the meeting in Dubna: “JINR has been a NuPECC member for five years, and it is the first time the meeting of the Committee is held in Dubna. It is a significant event for both, the Committee and JINR itself, as far as it demonstrates a high scientific authority of the Joint Institute. ”
During the meeting Yu.Ts.Oganessian, FLNR Scientific Leader covered in his report the Laboratory activities on synthesis of superheavy elements. Andrey Fomichev, head of sector in the FLNR presented JINR current program for radioactive nuclei beams research. Leonid Grigorenko, FLNR Chief Scientific Researcher, correspondent member of the RAS told about future plans for light exotic nuclei research.
- In Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Participants of the meeting were shown around Flerov Laboratory, the Superheavy Element Factory, had a guided excursion to DC-280 cyclotron and ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator.