Synthesis and study of the decay properties of element 110 isotopes: 273Ds and 275Ds
The 232Th(48Ca, 5n)275Ds and 238U(40Ar, 5n)273Ds reactions were studied at DGFRS-2 gas-filled separator of the SHE Factory at FLNR JINR. New 275Ds isotope with a half-life of 0.43+0.29-0.12ms and 11.20±0.02 MeV energy of α-particles was synthesized for the first time in the reaction of 48Ca with the actinide element nuclei and identified by measuring correlated α-decays leading to known nuclei.

The decay properties of nuclei formed in 273Ds and 275Ds decay chains are compared with the theoretical calculations and decay schemes are proposed as well. Cross sections for 232Th(48Ca, 5n)275Ds reaction equal to 0.11+0.46-0.09 and 0.34+0.59-0.16 pb were measured at the excitation energies of 280Ds compound nucleus of E* = 51 and 56 MeV correspondingly. It turned out that the cross section of 5n-evaporation channel of 238U+40Ar reaction at E* = 49 MeV equal to 0.18+0.44-0.12 pb is comparable with the cross section for 275Ds at a close excitation energy.
Co-authors of the research: Y.T. Oganessian, V.K. Utyonkov, M.V. Shumeiko, F.S. Abdullin, G.G. Adamian, S.N. Dmitriev, D. Ibadullayev, M.G. Itkis, N.D. Kovrizhnykh, D.A. Kuznetsov, O.V. Petrushkin, A.V. Podshibiakin, A.N. Polyakov, A.G. Popeko, I.S. Rogov, R.N. Sagaidak, L. Schlattauer, V.D. Shubin, D.I. Solovyev, Y.S. Tsyganov, A.A. Voinov, V.G. Subbotin, N.S. Bublikova, M.G. Voronyuk, A.V. Sabelnikov, A.Yu. Bodrov, N.V. Aksenov, A.V. Khalkin, H.B. Yang, and others.
The work was supported by grant No. 075-10-2020-117 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, a JINR Directorate grant, and the Strategic Priority Research Programme of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The article about this work was published in Physical Review C Journal. The work was carried out by scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of JINR together with employees of the Institute of Modern Physics (China), L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan) and Palacky University (Czech Republic).