“Super Heavy Element & Chalcogen Interactions – Gas Chromatography with Groups 12, 14”
25.04.2018 – FLNR Chemical Seminar, 15-30, Flerov Lab Conference Hall
- “Super Heavy Element & Chalcogen Interactions – Gas Chromatography with Groups 12, 14”
Speaker: Paul Ionescu, Paul Scherrer Institute - “Simulation of superheavy elements adsorption on metal surfaces.”
Speaker:Yuri Demidov, Institure of Nuclear Physics, St.Petersburg
On the road to understanding the chemistry of the presently heaviest known elements, one must look for inspiration in nature. Presented will be the pathway to better understanding the chemistry of superheavy elements Copernicium (Z=112) and Flerovium (Z=114) through the use of gas chromatography. Experiments were performed using the lighter homologue mercury on a selenium surface as a model off-line. This method was used to differentiate between different selenium allotropes and to develop alpha-spectroscopy detectors for the use in chromatographic separation of superheavy elements in Dubna 2018, which will provide further insight into relativistic effects on the electron shell as well as on the volatility of Cn.
Empirical regularities between adsorption enthalpies of heavy element atoms and properties of two-atom molecules are discussed in this work. The main energy characteristics and equilibrium configurations of PoAu, PoAg, PoPt, PoCu were found. Binding energies of these molecules were compared with experimental adsorption enthalpies of Po atoms on gold, silver, platinum, copper surfaces. Mercury was compared likewise. Peculiarities of Cn and Fl electronic structures in the adsorption on different metal surfaces are discussed.
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