MT-25 Microtron

On January 30, 1973 an electron accelerator – microtron MT-17 was put into operation. It was made under G.N.Flerov’s support with the help of S.P.Kapitsa’s Laboratory of IPP. It was totally upgraded in 1980 (MT-22) and in 1986 (MT-25).
This microtron is used for study and production of ultraclean radioisotopes.
- Some historical pictures
- MT-25 Microtron
Upper row (from left to right): Pic.1 Adjustment of Microtron MT-25, the microtron is uncovered. A.Belov and G.Starodub Pic.2 Preparations for the experiment on getting radioactive isotope iodine-123. Pic.3 International team of researchers: G.Starodub, Grissel Sayas (Cuba) and A.Belov
Lower row (from left to right): Pic.4 Preparations for the experiment with accelerated-electron beams: A.Belov, Sodnom (Mongolia) and G.Starodub Pic.5 Preparations for an experiment. O.D.Maslov Pic.6 Microtron MT-25 Hall. View of the Microtron.
- MT-22 Microtron
Pic.1 Preparations for the experiment in thermal-neutron element analysis. Prof.Yu.S.Zamiatin and A.G.Belov
Pic.2 Preparations for the experiment in gamma-quantum samples element analysis. A.G.Belov, Prof.Yu.S.Zamiatin and Vo Dak Bang (Vietnam)
Pic.3 Preparations for the experiment: on the right – thermal neutron samples activation analysis, in the foreground – gamma-quantum activation analysis.
- MT-17 Microtron
Upper row (from left to right): Pic.1 Team of microtron creators: A.Belov, A.Andreev, V.Stepanov, B.Markov, Yu.Gangrski; Pic.2 Prof.Ch.Simane (Czechoslovakia) and Academician G.N.Flerov; Pic.3 Microtron study of photofission. Yu.Gangrski and A.Belov; Pic.4 Preparations for the experiment.V.Voropaev and V. Klisky (Czechoslovakia)
Lower row (from left to right): Pic.5 Measurement of neutron fields dispersion. A.Belov and K.Andreysek (Czechoslovakia); Pic.6 Sharing experience with Vietnamese specialists. Khuong, Zuong and A.Belov; Pic.7 Getting Microtron ready for the experiment. Yu.Teterev; Pic.8 Experiment on substance analysis. A.Belov, O.Maslov, E.Kharisov, L.Kulkina