Monument to Academician G.N.Flerov

Unvailing of the monument to Academician Georgy N.Flerov (1913–1990) took place in Dubna on 3 June, 1999.

At the ceremony, attended by the participants of the 86th session of the JINR Scientific Council, tributes to the outstanding scientist were paid by JINR Director V.G.Kadyshevsky, FLNR Scientific Leader Yu.Ts.Oganessian,  Plenipotentiary of Poland to JINR A.Hrynkiewicz, Dubna Mayor V.E.Prokh, and Academician of the National Academy of Ukraine I.N.Vishnevsky.  


The monument was created at Academician G.G.Chubarian’s studio on the initiative of the Directorate of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions.

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