Experiment proposal procedure at the FLNR

1.   General provisions and definitions
1.1   This Procedure is designed to conduct wide and open discussion of all proposals for experiments in the FLNR, to improve organization and expand the circle of participants by accepting proposals from other scientific centers.
1.2    The Procedure should be discussed at the FLNR STC meeting and approved by FLNR Director.
1.3  At this stage the experiments are supposed to be sorted into three categories.
(a) category: Enterprising, searching and short-time experiments performed at the FLNR base setups. They shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks of beam time.
(b) category: Priority experiments taking a lot of accelerator time and performed within the FLNR scientific program.
(c) category: Experiments performed at the other laboratories but using FLNR people, finance and other resources.
1.4  25–40% of the FLNR accelerator time should be provided for the (a) category experiments and 60–75% for the (b) category experiments.
1.5    (a) category experiment proposals are presented by the FLNR staff members, by the staff members of the other JINR laboratories, JINR member states research centers, organizations signed scientific and technical cooperation agreement. (b) category experiment proposals are presented by FLNR Director, by scientific group leaders, deputy directors and heads of sectors. Any FLNR staff member may present a (c) category experiment proposal. All approved experiments are included in the Laboratory plan.
1.6  Head of sector performing an experiment or a person appointed by Laboratory Director is responsible for its performance.
1.7  Results of all experiments are discussed at the Laboratory seminars.
2.    Proposal discussion stages and consideration procedure
2.1  (a) category experiments:
(1) Submission of the Request (see Appendix) to the STC and Scientific Secretary at the latest six months before the experiment. Publication of the Request (at author’s desire) within the FLNR Web-site for priority’s sake.
(2) Discussion of scientific and technical aspects of the experiment in the sector. The group ready to participate in the experiment should be formed beforehand.
(3) Scientific report and discussion at a special seminar at the Laboratory.
(4) Consultations with the Technical Council of the Laboratory about the possibility in principle to perform the experiment at the Laboratory setups in existence and the amount of financing as well.
(5) Discussion of (a) category experiment proposals at the Laboratory STC meeting with the purpose of competitive selection within the beam time quota for these experiments.
(6) Laboratory Direction makes a decision on the experiment performance after the Laboratory STC recommendation.
2.2  (b) category experiments:
(1) Discussion in Directorate in presence of head of sector, leading specialists and STAD representatives responsible for the experiment.
(2) Scientific report and discussion at the FLNR seminar.
(3) Consideration of the experiment proposal at the Laboratory STC meeting. Recommended proposal is submitted to the JINR Program Advisory Committee.
(4) Consideration of the experiment proposal at the JINR Program Advisory Committee.
(5) Program Advisory Committee favorable decision gives grounds to perform (b) category experiment.
2.3  (c) category experiments:
(1) Prior to being submitted to the Program Committee of the Laboratory performing the experiment the proposal should be considered and approved by the FLNR Directorate.
(2) External experiment proposal should be submitted to the FLNR Scientific Secretary in time.
(3) The proposal should include the information on the required FLNR support (personnel, equipment, financing including business trips).
(4) (c) category experiment proposals are considered at the Laboratory STC meeting.
(5) FLNR Directorate approves the STC recommended external experiments and informs authoritatively declarant about that. Whereupon the latter may submit the proposal to the Program Committee of the Laboratory performing the experiment
2.4  Phases of an experiment proposal consideration and approval are displayed within a special page of the FLNR Web-Site.
3.    Request basic requirements
3.1  Proposed experiments should fall within the Laboratory’s scientific interests and conform to the Topical Plan for JINR research and international cooperation.
3.2  (a) category experiment request implies submission to the FLNR Scientific secretary of the Proposal form (see Appendix) both in printed and computer version.
3.3  The Proposal should include:

    • The title of the experiment
    • Experiment overview
  • • Beam and required equipment characteristics
  • • Additional equipment need to be bought or manufactured
  • • Name and contact information of the person responsible for the experiment
  • • Names and positions of the supposed participants of the experiment
  • • Duration of the experiment
  • • Desired dates for the experiment
    • Other specific needs
3.4  A kind of annotation (no more than three pages) should be attached to the Proposal form where you should give your reasons of the experiment with brief overview of the similar experiments performed some time ago and describe the expected results.
3.5  The Proposal is submitted in Russian or in English.
4.    Experiment Financial Support
4.1  (b) category experiments are supported by the Laboratory budget according to the Topical Plan for Laboratory research and international cooperation.
4.2  (a) and (c) category experiments are performed mostly using available Laboratory setups and equipment.
4.3  Laboratory commits itself to appropriate grants (no more than 10 a year) up to 10000 USD for acquisition or manufacture of special equipment for the approved (a) category experiments.
5.    Appendix
  Proposal Form
download: [ doc ] (46Kb)
Proposal should be submitted to the STC in Word or PDF format.