Grand seminar to the 110th anniversary of Academician G.N.Flerov’s birth
03.03.2023 – FlerovLab Conference Hall, 14-30
March 02, 2023 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, the founder and first director of the JINR Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Academician G.N.Flerov (1913-2023). To commemorate this memorable date the Joint Institute holds the Grand Seminar on March 03, 2023 at FLNR JINR.

Program of this Grand event includes scientific reports and memories about the outstanding scientist which will be presented by:
- Grigory Trubnikov, JINR Director
- Yuri Oganessian, FLNR JINR Scientific Leader
- Radiy Ilkaev, VNIIEF Honored Scientific Leader, Head of the MEPhI Department of Electronic Measuring Systems
- Boris Myasoedov, an employee of the V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry RAS, Advisor to the RAS Presidium
- Stepan Kalmykov, Scientific Leader of the MSU Faculty of Chemistry, RAS Vice-President
- Mikhail Lukichev, Head of the RMP Publishing House