G.N.Flerov Prize

  • Description
    1. G.N.Flerov Prize was instituted by the Resolution of the 71st Session of the JINR Scientific Council to perpetuate the memory of G.N.Flerov and to reward scientists for their outstanding contributions to nuclear physics.
    2. G.N.Flerov Prize is awarded once in two or three years.
    3. Call for applications for G.N.Flerov Prize is published in September of the year preceding the awarding of the Prize.
    4. Subjects of submitted works should be within the scope of G.N.Flerov’s scientific interests.
    5. An applicant is required to supply a CV, an abstract of proposed research and reprints of the major publications.
    6. All the materials should be sent to the FLNR Scientific Secretary before February 1 of the awarding year.
    7. Submitted works are evaluated by a jury appointed by JINR Director’s order.
    8. The jury selects the winners in March. The Prize may be awarded only once in a lifetime.
    9. The Jury’s decision should be approved by JINR Director’s order.
    10. Flerov Prize winner gets a diploma and a cash award.
    11. The decision on Flerov Prize awarding is published.
    12. Flerov Prize winners get the diplomas in a solemn ceremony.