G.N.FLEROV Prize 2024

From May 14 to 17 the Xth meeting of the DPhS RAS Scientific Council on heavy ion physics “Relativistic nuclear physics and heavy ion physics” organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences is being held in Nizhny Novgorod

Solemn presentation of G.N.Flerov Prize for outstanding works in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry took place as part of the first day of the meeting. The winners were:

  • Radiy Ivanovich Ilkaev, co-author of the discovery of element 114 (Flerovium) – for his great contribution to synthesis and study of the properties of sunerheavy nuclei;
  • Evgeniy Denisovich Donets, co-author of the discovery of elements 102 (Nobelium) and 103 (Lawrencium) – for creation of sources of highly charged ions for producing intense beams of medium and high energies;
  • Evgeniy Evgenievich Donets, head of the electron-beam ion source sector of VBLHEP JINR – for creation of sources of highly charged ions for producing intense beams of medium and high energies;
  • Zhao Hongwei, Deputy Director of the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Lanzhou) – for creation of sources of highly charged ions for producing intense beams of medium and high energies;