G.N.FLEROV Prize 2017

On May 17, 2017 festive celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions was held at the Cultural Centre “Mir”. During the ceremony FLNR Scientific Leader Academician Yu. Oganessian announced the decision of the Flerov Prize jury. The Chairman of the jury Academician S. Gershtein presented the Diploma to the winners.

Winners of G.N.Flerov Prize 2017

  • Dr. W.Nazarewicz, MSU, USA

  • The special Prize, instituted in the jubilee year, for experimental research (production of the nuclear reactionof the synthesis of elements 115 and 117) was awarded to
  • A. Shushkin, Ehlektrokhimpribor, Sverdlovsk region

  • V. Utenkov, FLNR JINR

  • D. V. Roberto, Oak Ridge, USA