FLNR research based project is the best project of the All-Russian Youth Competition
“Development of a technology for creating a new composite material with specified medical and biological properties” study in which Ilia Vinogradov, FLNR CAP research scientist, Candidate of Sciences (Chem) actively participates under the leadership of Alexander Nechaev, Head of sector became the best project of #VTENTRENAUKI All-Russian Youth Competition.

The final stage was held within the frame of the III Congress of Young Scientists in Sirius Science and Art Park.
Ilia Vinogradov told about the work done: “The work that was submitted to the competition was about interdisciplinary research related to the development of technology for creating a new composite material with the specified medical and biological properties for regenerative and personalised medicine. The essence of the technology for obtaining the material is to combine a track membrane with a nanofibre layer of biopolymers (chitosan, collagen, hyaluronic acid) obtained by electrospinning”.

Microphotograph of a section of a composite material with specified medical and biological properties (black double-headed arrow – nanofibre layer, white double-headed arrow – PET TM + Ti)
Materials were produced at FLNR CAP and medical and biological research were carried out at the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBI “NMIC RK” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation). The research resulted in obtaining a new porous composite material which reduces the skin regeneration time, eliminates wound infection and inhibits immunoinflammatory cellular reactions.