FLNR Annual Report 2022
The construction of new and the upgrade and optimization of the existing accelerators of the DRIBs-III complex continued in 2022.
DC-280 The basic facility of the SHE Factory, the DC-280
cyclotron, provided 6000 h of beamtime for research
in 2022, including 4000 h for experiments on the
synthesis of superheavy elements and study of their
chemical properties using the DGFRS-2 and GRAND
After adjusting the acceleration modes for 48Ca,
54Cr, and 48Ti ions, the intensity of the accelerated
beams was 7.73 pµA for 48Ca, 3.8 pµA for 54Cr, and
2.13 pµA for 48Ti. To reduce time for maintenance
and to make the cyclotron operation more reliable,
the components that duplicated those requiring
regular service were manufactured. The currently
used deflector was improved, and a new tool with
an upgraded structure was manufactured and commissioned. Moreover, a reserve buncher block was
fabricated. The commissioning of the flat-top system
and beam phase motion monitor system is currently
As part of the U-400M upgrade, work on the cyclotron magnetic system was completed magnetic field strength measured by generating a magnetic field map first harmonic of the magnetic field corrected using a special set of shims; valley shims added for increasing the magnetic field at the extraction radius. Furthermore, a new magnetic channel for the extraction system was developed and manufactured, a vacuum chamber was assembled and tested, RF generators were upgraded, and a new vacuum pumping system was assembled. The windings for the correction coil were fabricated in collaboration with the specialists from the Department for Superconducting Magnet Research and Technologies of the 9eksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
U-400A wide variety of scientific and applied investigations in heavy-ion physics were conducted using the U-400 cyclotron. In 2022, the cyclotron provided over 6400 h of beamtime. Experiments with the beams of 6Li (MA9R), 16O (CORSET), 22Ne (9ASSILISSA),
The IC-100 cyclotron, used for applied research, provided over 2500 h of beamtime. Ions from O to Xe accelerated at IC-100 up to the energies of 1.0– 1.2 MeV/nucleon were used for irradiating the samples of graphene, AlN, Si3N4, MgO, MgAl2O4, ODS steeles, high-temperature titan-based superconductors (in collaboration with the South Africa, Poland, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Czech Republic), and for in situ studies of the optical properties of radiation-resistant dielectrics under ion irradiation.
MT-25The MT-25 electron accelerator ran for 1200 h. The facility was employed in irradiation of biological samples for the Laboratory of Radiation Biology of JINR and 9orone]h State University. Electron components were tested in cooperation with NIIKP and SPE Detector LLC. The promising potential for the use of rare-earth oxides as matrices in practical applications, such as the disposal of radioactive waste, was explored in collaboration with N.I.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. In addition, ceolits were studied in cooperation with a group of researchers from 9ietnam. In a Joint effort with the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of JINR, methods for measuring the electron energy were worked on.
DC-140The implementation of the DC-140 project for applied research at FLNR is ongoing [1]. The premises of Building 101 were prepared for constructing a new accelerator complex and allocating engineering systems. The design documentation was prepared for building the premises, allocating and integrating engineering systems of the new accelerator complex into the existing infrastructure. Construction documents for the cyclotron components and experimental set-ups are ready. The equipment is manufactured, some being already constructed and delivered to FLNR.
A series of experiments was carried out using the gas-filled separator DGFRS-2 of the Factory of Superheavy Elements at FLNR JINR. The studies of the reaction of 48Ca with 243Am target nuclei were continued with a view to thoroughly exploring the properties of Mc isotopes and their daughter nuclei and measuring the reaction excitation function in a wide 48Ca beam energy range (Fig.1). A new 286Mc isotope was synthesized, and the cross section for the 5n evaporation channel was measured. Four new decay chains of 289Mc (2n channel), 55 decay chains of 288Mc (3n channel), and four decay chains assigned to 287Mc (4n channel) were detected. In addition, the spontaneous fission of 279Rg was observed for the first time. The α decay of 268Db was confirmed, its branch and half-life being more precisely specified. The decay properties of 21 isotopes from 287–289Mc to 266–268Db, including those of 264Lr, were measured with greater precision.
First experiments on the synthesis of Ds isotopes in the 232Th+48Ca reaction were conducted. Their properties are crucial for identifying new element 120 in the reactions 249Cf(50Ti,3–4n) 295,296120 and 245Cm(54Cr, 3–4n) 295,296120 because the α decays of nuclei under consideration lead to the 275,276Ds isotopes. Moreover, the predicted fission barriers of the 232Th+48Ca reaction products, governing the survival probability of excited compound nuclei, are lower than those of the isotopes of element 120. The cross section for the reaction with 232Th target nuclei will
Following the replacement of the first triplet of quadrupole lenses of the SHELS separator, first test experiments were conducted aimed at defining the separation efficiency of reaction products formed in complete fusion reactions of the 22Ne, 40Ar, 48Ca ions with the target nuclei of Pb and U. Figure 2 shows a comparison of spectra in the focal plane of the separator prior to and after the replacement. As is seen, the background conditions were substantially improved. It should be noted that an increase in the transmission did not exceed 5%.
The novel GABRIELA-2 detection system comprising five “clover” high-purity germanium γ detectors was assembled and will help determine with record efficiency the characteristics of γ transitions in heavy short-lived nuclei synthesized at SHELS. Having a minimum tranformation time of 1 μs, the electronic CAMAC-based data acquisition system was replaced with a digital detection system from National Instruments.

The novel system whose distinctive feature is a minimum transformation time of 8 ns provides an advantage in detecting the exotic short-lived states of excited nuclei. New components of the detection system were tested using the 26Mg+206Pb complete fusion reaction, which is of peculiar interest owning to the formation of a new isotope 227Pu in the 5n evaporation channel. Experimental results are processed.
Chemistry of TransactinidesIn 2022, preparations were well advanced for the first experiments aimed at studying the chemical properties of superheavies. The GRAND separator (DGFRS-) was commissioned, key separator systems were tested, and transmission was measured (50% for such reactions as 48Ca+206,208Pb). In addition, the cryodetector was tuned using the 40Ar and 48Ca beams.
First experiments were carried out at the novel experimental complex of the SHE Factory combining the physics separator (GRAND) and a chemical setup (a cryodetector). We pursued studies of the Fl behaviour, presumably in the elemental state, by gas adsorption thermochromatography during irradiation at the DC-280 heavy-ion accelerator. The shortlived radionuclide 287Fl with a half-life T1/2=0.36 s was synthesized online in the 242Pu(48Ca, 3n) 287Fl reaction. Reaction products were preseparated using the new gas-filled GRAND separator and collected in a gas catcher, a recoil transfer chamber installed in the focal plane and separated from the gas volume of the separator by a thin mylar film. Only highly volatile elements (e.g., Hg, Rn) or their compounds were transported from the gas catcher at a temperature of 20°C to the chemical set-up via a teflon capillary in a carrier gas, a mixture of additionally purified inert gases He/Ar. As a preseparator for the cryodetector, GRAND allowed by 3–4 orders of magnitude better purity of separated Fl atoms from unwanted byproducts (short-lived isotopes of transplutonium elements). This significantly improves the statistical reliability of spectometric data, setting a new standard for SHE chemistry research. In addition, the preseparator allowed one to place the cryodetector measurement system near the focal plane of the
separator and the detecting module at a minimum possible distance of 25 cm from the gas catcher, thereby reducing the time needed for gas transport to the chemical detector to 0.1 s. Volatile Fl atoms were studied by adsorption thermochromatography on the surface of gold-plated semiconductor detectors in the He/Ar gas mixture over the temperature range from 20°C to –170°C. For this purpose, a linear temperature gradient of –6°C/cm was obtained for the first time in the thermochromatographic module of the cryodetector. In research at DC-280 in December, two decay chains of 287Fl were detected in the cryodetector at the temperatures of approximately –100°C and –70°C, which preliminary confirms the previously made conclusions about the high volatility and chemical inertness of elemental Fl. The analysis of the experimental data is pursued. A mobile adsorption model developed at FLNR and the acquired chromatographic data will allow conclusions to be made regarding the thermodynamic properties of Fl.
Dynamics of Heavy-Ion Interaction, Fission of Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei In 2022, mass and energy distributions of fragments formed in the 54Cr+208Pb, 232Th, 238U reactions were measured at near-barrier energies for
determining the probability of complete fusion of
nuclei under investigation. The analysis of the experimental data showed that in transitioning from 48Ca to 54Cr incident ions, the formation probability of a
compound nucleus decreases by more than two orders of magnitude in all the reactions under consideration.
A systematic investigation of the properties of
fusion–fission and quasifission was made on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the experimental
data reported earlier in [6]. By analyzing experimental mass distributions, asymmetric quasifission was
found to occur over time scales of 5–7 zs in systems
with Z1Z2<2000, whereas in those with Z1Z2>2000,
the lifetime of the composite nuclear system was
found to decrease with increasing Z1Z2 (Fig.3)
Multimodal fission studies continued. The proton structures at Z=36 and Z=45 were found to
affect the formation of fission fragments of neutron-deficient pre-actinide nuclei (178Pt, 180,182,183Hg,

184Pb) [7]. In studying the fission properties of heavy
acntinide nuclei 248Cf, 254,256Fm at an excitation energy of 40–60 MeV, a multimodal fission was found to
manifest at all measured excitation energies, though
the liquid-drop behaviour dominated. The structural peculiarities of mass and energy distributions attributed to shell effects become less prominent exponentially as the excitation energy of the fissioning
nucleus increases [8].
Pursued are the studies of multinucleon transfer
reactions that could provide a means of synthesizing new, first and foremost neutron-rich isotopes of
transuranium elements [9]. The results of the theoretical modeling revealed the regularities in the
dependence of the cross sections for the synthesis
of new nuclei on the reaction partners, energy, and
detection angles, which have to be taken into consideration when planning experiments.
First experiments at the novel ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator [10] were of decisive importance in
nuclear physics in that they resulted in the detection
of superheavy 6H and 7H isotopes [11, 12] resolving one of the key issues that has long been posing
challenges to experimentalists and thereby allowing
advancements in the exploration of a new mode of
spontaneous nuclear decay accompanied by a simultaneous emission of four neutrons.
Suggested earlier in [11], a technique for setting
up the experiment allowed the studies of the states
in 6H populated via the 2H(8He, 4He)6H reaction [12].
Analogous to 7H, the detection of 4He in coincidence
with high-energy tritons was assumed to serve an
indicator of one or several sequential 6H decays.
The reference measurement of the 2H(10Be, 4He)8Li
reaction confirmed the effectiveness of the method
used for studying the mechanism of the (d,α) reaction. The missing mass spectrum of 6H was recon-
structed from low-energy 4He recoils detected in coincidence with 3H and neutrons. The simulations and
data showed that the energy resolution in the missing mass spectrum was better than 2 MeV. Thereto, record-breaking statistics for the 6H system was
collected in the experiment [12]: over 4000 double
4He–3H coincidences and about 130 triple 4He–3H–n
coincidences. In the reconstructed 6H spectrum,
an important finding was the absence of possible
states at the energy ET<3.5 MeV above the 3H+3n
decay threshold. This result disagrees with those
from previous experiments [Aleksandrov D. V. et al.
Observation of Nonstable Heavy Hydrogen Isotope
6H in the Reaction 7Li(7Li, 8B) // Yad. Fi. 1984. V.39. P.513] that reported for the first time on the observation of the 6H resonance state at the energy ET=2.7(4) MeV. A bump observed in previous studies may be accounted for by an order of magnitude
higher cross section for populating the 5H ground
state in the 7Li(7Li, 9B*)5H reaction.
After processing the experimental data by using the correlation analysis, with due regard for
triple 4He–3H–n coincidences, two possible states
of the 6H isotope were found at ET~4.5 (g.s.) and
6.8 MeV. The previously proclaimed 6H ground
state at ~2.6–2.9 MeV above the 3H+3n threshold
was not observed in the experiment involving the
2H(8He,4He)6H reaction with a cross section limit
dσ/dΩcm5μb/sr. A scheme of levels and decays of
the 7H and 6H isotopes (Fig.4) obtained in the experiments [11, 12] allows a conclusion that the decay of
the 7H ground state may be accompanied by a simultaneous emission of four neutrons (a “true” five-particle decay 3H+4n).
This is the first proven case for the existence of such a nuclear decay mode.

In 2022, two experiments were conducted at the U-400 cyclotron employing the high-resolution magnet analyser MAVR. In an experiment with the beams of the 48Ca and 56Fe ions accelerated to 10 MeV/nucleon and directed to the Au and 238U tar-
gets, the differential cross sections were measured for the emission of alphas and other light charged particles at an angle of 0°. The spectra revealed fast α particles with energies close to the kinematic limit for the two- and three-body exit channels. Correlation experiments with fission fragments pointed out the possibility of forming weakly excited heavy nuclei in the reactions under
consideration. The analysis of the experimental data using a moving source model indicated several sources for the formation of high-energy nonequilibrium particles. The mechanism of the emission of nonequilibrium α particles from the target nucleus could be attributed to complete or incomplete fusion of nuclei. The main experimental results were published in [13, 14].
The GALS set-up under construction is intended for the separation and study of the products of multinucleon transfer reactions. The following main results were achieved in 2022: 1. A novel reaction chamber was manufactured to search for and study the optimal levels of atomic transitions for optimal ioni]ation efficiency. In addition, a transport system based on grid electrodes and a registration system were constructed. The upgrade of the evaporative laser for the reference chamber of the GALS set-up is on track to be completed. 2. A detailed scheme on the basis of CAEN software and electronic components were developed for the detection system of the GALS set-up.
All the necessary electronic components and primary configuration control programmes were purchased. The mechanical part of the tape station was manufactured in collaboration with iThemba LABS (South Africa). 3. A lab for off-line experiments was prepared, including the installation of engineering systems (power supply, a distillate system, a gas system, etc). A scheme was developed for guiding optical beams within the laser laboratory and for transmitting laser radiation to new experimental set-ups. A possibility of transporting laser radiation from the laser lab to the experimental set-ups by using optical fibers was analy]ed. The required single- and multimode fiber sets were chosen and technical specifications were outlined for the sets and inputoutput devices.
The construction of the cryogenic gas ion catcher,
a new set-up for the SHE Factory, continued in 2022.
The warm and cold vacuum chambers of the catcher
were assembled and evacuated to a pressure of less
than 10–7 Torr. The multi-electrode system for transporting reaction products to the supersonic nozzle
was assembled. The copper sheath of the cold chamber, including the gas cooling coil, was manufactured
and installed. The system of vacuum pumping control and temperature control of the cold chamber
(and the gas in it) was assembled and debugged.
Designed for measuring the composition of residual
gases in the gas cell, a system based on the mass
spectrometer PrismaPro (Pfeiffer) was adMusted. The
cooling system of the inner chamber was launched,
and a temperature of 48 . was attained at a helium
pressure of 10 mbar.
By using specially developed software and performing simulations, the efficiency and extraction
time from the cryogenic gas ion catcher were determined for products synthesized in the
following complete fusion reactions: 40Ar+144Sm→ 184Hg*,
40Ar+166Er → 206Rn*, 48Ca+197Au→ 245Es*, 48Ca+208Pb→ 256No*, 48Ca+209Bi→ 257Lr*, 48Ca+242Pu→ 290Fl*. To test the gas catcher without a
beam by using an α source, the efficiency and the extraction time of the α decay daughter products were
In collaboration with the Institute for Analytical
Instrumentation of RAS (Saint Petersburg) and under
a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 075-10-2020-117 (“Superheavy Nuclei and Atoms: Mass Limits
of Nuclei and the Borders of Mendeleev’s Periodic
Table” [15]), work continues on the design of the
multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer intended for the precision measurement of the
isotope masses of heavy and superheavy nuclei. In
2022, a preliminary design was completed. Tender
documents for manufacturing the mass spectrometer are being prepared. A contract for fabricating
a calibrant ion source of the mass spectrometer is
Using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and computer simulation (molecular dynamics), the parameters of latent tracks in nano-
(n-Si3N4) and polycrystalline (p-Si3N4) silicon nitride
were determined in a wide range of electronic stopping levels [16]. The effects of the formation of swift
heavy-ion tracks in the Si3N4 and AlN crystals and
in nanocrystalline Y4Al2O9 and Y2Ti2O7were also
The mechanical properties of ODS steels irradiated with swift heavy ions were determined by
small specimen compression testing whose results
showed that strength properties depended on the
structural state of material.
A target device was fabricated for uniform ion
doping of metal samples with helium using a method
based on the in-depth stop zone scanning of accelerated ions. The device was designed for producing
samples for subsequent TEM studies of the structural changes in reactor materials simulated by helium
implantation under long-term neutron irradiation.
Heavy-ion irradiation was established to result
in the formation of nanopores and ultra-long nanochannels in graphene oxide of nearly any thickness:
from single-layer graphene oxide to films of several
microns in thickness. The pores of films comprising
over 3–4 layers are cylindrical, on average having a narrow size distribution of ~ 6 nm. The experimental
studies and modeling by reactive molecular dynamics showed that the pore size depends, to a significant extent, on the composition and the functionalization degree of graphene oxide and on the electron
ion energy loss. The pore periphery is electrically
conductive owning to the partial restoring of the graphitic structure and contains nitrile groups [17].
Pursued were the studies of the properties of
track ion-selective membranes [18, 19] aimed at
deep understanding of the mechanism governing
the formation of ion-selective channels in polyethylene terephthalate films irradiated with heavy ions
and subjected to mild photolysis. The results are crucial for the development of membranes for efficient ion separation.
Track-etched membranes with ultra-small pores
were used in experiments aimed at fulfilling
related to the structure of electrical double layer in nanopores. Time-resolved measurements of
streaming potential were performed. The surface
charge density and a number of properties of a hypothetical gel layer on the pore walls of track-etched
membranes were defined in the framework of the
space charge model. A successful attempt was made
for the first time to employ highly asymmetric tracketched membranes in the liquid–liquid membrane
contractor. The studies paved the way for further
developments of novel membrane purification and
separation technologies.
A technology was developed for producing a
composite material comprising a track membrane
and a layer of polymer nanofibers made from chitosan, collagen, and polylactide. An intermediate
layer of titanium provides the adhesion of the fiber layer to the track membrane. The functionalization
of the nanofiber layer with various agents gives composite membranes specific properties, thereby allowing their use in energy-saving water purification
technologies, in regenerative medicine applications,
such as next-generation wound dressings, and in cellular engineering practical applications [20].
For studying membrane distillation, composite
track membranes coated with a 500-nm-thick super
hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene layer by electron beam dispersion were developed. The track
membranes proved to be highly selective in desalinating sodium chloride aqueous solution.
Research continued in the production of modified track membranes that can be used as flow sensors based on the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Indeed, the track membranes coated with thin layers of silver by magnetron and thermal sputtering followed by self-assembly of nanoparticles
due to the heat treatment have high gain coefficients
of an order of 10–6 with respect to the compounds
under investigation. Furthermore, immobilization of
aptamers on membrane surfaces, affine to the proteins of the influenza A virus, allows the detection
of up to 4×103 viral particles per a millimeter using
SERS, which is comparable to the sensitivity of a PCR test.
1. Reports at the XIV Intern. Sci. Workshop on Prob- lems of Charged-Particle Accelerators. Alushta, Crimea, Sept. 20-25, 2022; https://indico.jinr.ru/ event/2945/.
2. Oganessian Yu. Ts., Utyonkov V.K., Popeko A. G., Solovyev D. I., Abdullin F. Sh., Dmitriev S. N., Ibadulla- yev D., Itkis M. G., Kovrizhnykh N. D., Kuznetsov D. A., Petrushkin O. V., Podshibiakin A. V., Polyakov A. N., Sagaidak R. N., Schlattauer L., Shirokovsky I. V., Shu- bin V. D., Shumeiko M. V., Tsyganov Yu. S., Voinov A. A., Subbotin V. G., Bekhterev V. V., Belykh N. A., Cher- nyshev O. A., Gikal K. B., Ivanov G. N., Khalkin A. V., Konstantinov V. V., Osipov N. F., Paschenko S. V., Pro- tasov A. A., Semin V.A., Sorokoumov V. V., Sychev K. P., Verevochkin V.A., Yakovlev B. I., Antoine S., Beeck- man W., Jehanno P., Yavor M. I., Shcherbakov A. P., Rykaczewski K. P., King T. T., Roberto J. B., Brewer N. T., Grzywacz R. K., Gan Z. G., Zhang Z. Y., Huang M. H., Yang H. B. DGFRS-2 – A Gas-Filled Recoil Separator for the Dubna Super Heavy Element Factory // Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 2022. V. 1033. P. 166640.
3. Oganessian Yu. Ts., Utyonkov V. K., Ibadullayev D., Abdullin F. Sh., Dmitriev S. N., Itkis M. G., Karpov A. V., Kovrizhnykh N. D., Kuznetsov D. A., Petrushkin O. V., Podshibiakin A. V., Polyakov A. N., Popeko A. G., Sagai- dak R. N., Schlattauer L., Shubin V. D., Shumeiko M. V., Solovyev D.I., Tsyganov Yu. S., Voinov A. A., Subbo- tin V. G., Bodrov A. Yu., Sabel’nikov A. V., Lindner A., Rykaczewski K. P., King T. T., Roberto J. B., Brewer N. T., Grzywacz R. K., Gan Z. G., Zhang Z. Y., Huang M. H., Yang H. B. Investigation of 48Ca-Induced Reactions with 242Pu and 238U Targets at the JINR Super- heavy Element Factory // Phys. Rev. C. 2022. V. 106. 026412.
4. Oganessian Yu. Ts., Utyonkov V. K., Kovrizhnykh N. D., Abdullin F. Sh., Dmitriev S. N., Ibadullayev D., Itkis M. G., Kuznetsov D. A., Petrushkin O. V., Podshibiakin A. V., Polyakov A. N., Popeko A.G., Sagaidak R. N., Schlattau- er L., Shirokovsky I. V., Shubin V. D., Shumeiko M. V., Solovyev D. I., Tsyganov Yu. S., Voinov A. A., Subbo- tin V. G., Bodrov A. Yu., Sabel’nikov A. V., Khalkin A. V., Zlokazov V. B., Rykaczewski K. P., King T. T., Roberto J. B., Brewer N. T., Grzywacz R. K., Gan Z. G., Zhang Z. Y., Huang M. H., Yang H. B. First Experiment at the Super Heavy Element Factory: High Cross Section of 288Mc in the 243Am + 48Ca Reaction and Identification of
the New Isotope 264 Lr // Phys. Rev. C. 2022. V. 106. L031301.
5. Oganessian Yu. Ts., Utyonkov V. K., Kovrizhnykh N. D., Abdullin F. Sh., Dmitriev S. N., Dzhioev A. A., Ibadul- layev D., Itkis M. G., Karpov A. V., Kuznetsov D. A., Petrushkin O. V., Podshibiakin A. V., Polyakov A. N., Popeko A. G., Rogov I. S., Sagaidak R. N., Schlattauer L., Shubin V. D., Shumeiko M. V., Solovyev D. I., Tsygan- ov Yu. S., Voinov A. A., Subbotin V. G., Bodrov A. Yu., Sabel’nikov A. V., Khalkin A. V., Rykaczewski K. P., King T. T., Roberto J. B., Brewer N. T., Grzywacz R. K., Gan Z. G., Zhang Z. Y., Huang M. H., Yang H. B. New Isotope 286Mc Produced in the 243 Am + 48Ca Reac- tion // Phys. Rev. C. 2022. V. 106. 064306.
6. Itkis M. G. et al. // Eur. Phys. J. A. 2022. V. 58. P. 178.
7. Kozulin E. M. et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2022. V. 105. 014607.
8. Saiko V., Karpov A. Multinucleon Transfer as a Meth- od for Production of New Heavy Neutron-Enriched Isotopes of Transuranium Elements // Eur. Phys. J. A. 2022. V. 58. P. 41.
9. Banerjee T. et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2022. V. 105.044614.
10. Fomichev A. S. et al. The ACCULINNA-2 Project: The Physics Case and Technical Challenges // Eur. Phys. J. A. 2018. V. 54. P. 97.
11. Muzalevskii I.A. et al. Resonant States in “H: Experi- mental Studies of the 2H(8He, 3He) Reaction // Phys. Rev. C. 2021. V. 103. 044313.
12. Nikolskii E. Yu. et al. H States Studied in the 2H(8He, 4He) Reaction and Evidence of an Extremely Cor- related Character of the SH Ground State // Phys.
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13. Penionzhkevich Yu. E. Characteristics of Nucleus- Nucleus Reactions with Emission of Fast Charged Particles: A New Approach to Reactions of Fusion of Cold Nuclei // Phys. Part. Nucl. 2022. V. 53. P. 45.
14. Penionzhkevich Yu. E., Samarin V. V., Lukyanov S. M., Maslov V.A., Naumenko M. A. Emission of High-Ener- gy Alpha Particles in Nuclear Reactions of 48Ca and 56Fe lons on 181 Ta and 238U Targets // Chin. Phys. C.
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15. Yavor M. I., Gall N. R., Muradymov M. Z., Pomozov T. V., Kurnin I. V., Monakov A. G., Arsenev A. N., Oganes- sian Yu. Ts., Karpov A. V., Rodin A. N., Krupa L., Dickel T., Plaß W. R., Scheidenberg C. Development of a Mass Spectrometer for High-Precision Mass Measurements of Superheavy Elements at JINR // J. Instrum. 2022. V. 17. P11033.
16. van Vuuren A.J., Mutali A., Ibrayeva A., Sohatsky A., Skuratov V., Akilbekov A., Dauletbekova A., Zdoro- vets M. High-Energy Heavy Ion Tracks in Nanocrys- talline Silicon Nitride // Crystals. 2022. V. 12. 1410.
17. Jovanovic Z., Gloginjic M., Mravik Z., Olejniczak A., Bajuk-Bogdanovic D., Jovanovi S., Pašti I., Skuratov V. Mechanistic Insights into lon-Beam Induced Re- duction of Graphene Oxide: An Experimental and Theoretical Study // Rad. Phys. Chem. 2022. V. 199. 110355.
18. Apel P. Y., Blonskaya I. V., Ivanov O. M., Polezhae- va O. A., Dmitriev S. N. Do the Soft-Etched and UV-
Track Membranes Actually Have Uniform Cylindri- cal Subnanometer Channels? // Rad. Phys. Chem. 2022. V. 198. 110266.
19. Apel P., Koter S., Yaroshchuk A. Time-Resolved Pres- sure-Induced Electric Potential in Nanoporous Membranes: Measurement and Mechanistic Inter- pretation // J. Membrane Sci. 2022. V. 653. 120556.
20. Markov P. A., Vinogradov I.I., Kostromina E., Ere- min P. S., Gilmutdinova I. R., Kudryashova I. S., Gre- ben A., Rachin A. P., Nechaev A. N. A Wound Dressing Based on a Track-Etched Membrane Modified by a Biopolymer Nanoframe: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics // Eur. Polym. J. 2022. V. 181. 111709.