- May – June 2022 SHE Factory experiments. Two important SHE Factory experiments were successfully completed in FLNR this summer. One of them resulted in synthesis of Ds new isotope, the other summed up preparations for the study of element 112 and 114 chemical properties. >>>

DGFRS-III is intended for the study of SHE chemical properties and superheavy nuclide nuclear spectroscopy.
DGFRS-III was delivered to Dubna in December 2020. During 2021 it was installed, connected and all its engineering systems such as vacuum systems, systems of cooling, power supply and control were adjusted. Separator was manufactured by the JINR long-term partner, French company SIGMAPHI and developed by the specialists of this company together with JINR scientists.
At the end of 2021 the Separator was put into operation and the test experiments with alpha-particles then with heavy ion beams were started. Those tests are a success and close to completion. After that the Separator will be ready to operate.
At present swiss scientists of Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) are working at the detecting setup for the study of SHE chemical properties. This setup is supposed to be installed at DGFRS-III when ready. The delivery of this setup is planned for March – April 2022.
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction and Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) plan to perform an experiment to study chemical properties of element 112 (Cn) and element 114 (Fl) of the Periodic Table in 48Ca + 242Pu fusion reaction in May – June this year.