A device for optimizing the GASSOL separator operation has been created at FLNR
FLNR scientists have created and tested a sensitive beam profile measuring device which will be used at the input of the GASSOL gas-filled solenoid during its startup and adjusting. The new device is designed for real-time control of the ion beam position, size and intensity. The operability of the entire experimental setup will depend on these key parameters. The simplicity of the radiation-resistant design of the developed device will allow the production on its basis of new measuring devices with a wide range of sizes and numbers of cathodes to be used in new experiments at various setups.
GASSOL magnetic gas-filled separator is a new experimental setup being developed at FLNR for efficient study of chemical properties of short-lived superheavy elements. With the help of the superconducting magnetic solenoid, on the basis of which the separator is operating, it’s possible to separate the complete fusion reaction products from the ions of the primary and scattered beam as well as from background reactions. In the near future GASSOL separator will be installed in the experimental hall of DC-280 cyclotron where it will be put into operation.
A detector based on secondary electron emission is the most suitable one for creating a beam profile measuring device. In comparison with phosphors a detector of this type has better sensitivity, linearity, radiation resistance and stability of readings during long-term operation.
More details on the work “Measuring the beam profile at the input of the GASSOL gas-filled solenoid” read P13-2025-2 preprint published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors of the research are Semen Mitrofanov, Yuri Teterev, Alexei Krylov, Askar Isatov, Konstantin Timoshenko and Eldos Boltkazyev.