Study of multinucleon transfer reactions as a way to new superheavy elements
27.12.2019 – “Theory of nucleus” seminar “Study of multinucleon transfer reactions as a way to new superheavy elements”, 14-30, Blokhintsev Lecture Hall, BLTP.
Speaker: A.V.Karpov
In recent years multinucleon transfer reactions in nucleus-nucleus collisions at low energies are considered to be a way to unknown neutron rich nuclei which are not easy to synthesize in any other way. Simulation of heavy ion induced nuclear reaction dynamics, in all complexity of competing reaction channels is still a very complicated task. This work is about development of such a model and its use in analysis of multinucleon transfers for deep-inelastic heavy ion collisions resulting in particular in formation of neutron rich isotopes of heavy and superheavy nuclei.
(on the occasion of nomination for JINR Prize 2019)
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