Exploration of REciprocity in the STopping of slow ions in matter with computer code REST
20.12.2018 – FLNR CAP Scientific Seminar “Exploration of REciprocity in the STopping of slow ions in matter with computer code REST”, 15-00, Flerov Lab Conference Hall.
Speakers: V.Kuzmin, FLNR, JINR
The principle of reciprocity in the electronic stopping of slow ions in matter gives researchers a clear and powerful criterion for testing of reliability of experimental data as well as stopping theories and models. Moreover, the principle allows to determine missing stopping cross section S(Y-> X) upon condition a credible S(X -> Y) is available.
A computer code REST has been developed to facilitate a cumbersome compilation, analysis and visualization of data from various data sets. This work presents a new extended version of the code.
Improvements include:
- all elements of Paul’s database can be analyzed;
- classic theories by Lindhard & Scharff and by Firsov are implemented;
- PASS stopping database can be examined;
- user’s database can be appended to Paul’s one;
- the code provides a statistical analysis of available data;
- up to four additional data sets can be included into plots;
- the current version of REST utilizes dynamically allocated objects to reduce computer memory usage.
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