Results of the first experiments at the ACCULINNA-2 separator and the scientific programme for 2024
On June 13-14, 2024 the 59th session of the Program Advisory Committee on Nuclear Physics was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

Vratislav Chudoba, FLNR senior research sientist presented the results of the first experiments at ACCULINNA-2 fragment-separator to the members of the PAC NPh.
From 2018 to 2020 the first experiments with 8He, 9Li and 6He high-intensity radioactive beams had been carried out at the new ACCULLINA-2 setup at U400M accelerator.
The research work of FLNR scientists resulted in obtaining new information on energy excitation spectra and decay schemes of 5–7H, 7,9He, 8–10Li neutron-reach isotopes.
Taking into account the recommencement of U400M operation from the second half of 2024 the study of the processes of neutron, proton and alpha particle transfer using 6,8He radioactive beams and 2H cryogenic gas target is planned.