Synthesis and study of the decay properties of isotopes of superheavy elements Ds and Lv
On June 13-14, 2024 the 59th session of the Program Advisory Committee on Nuclear Physics was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

Nikita Kovrizhnykh, FLNR junior research scientist delivered a report in which the Laboratory’s latest achievements in the field of synthesis and study of the decay properties of isotopes of Ds and Lv superheavy elements were presented. He reported that new 288Lv isotope was synthesized for the first time in the reaction of 54Cr with actinide nuclei and the cross section for its synthesis in 238U+54Cr reaction was measured to be about 70 fb. These results indicate great potential for the further study of superheavy nuclei with low formation cross section.
In addition, 232Th + 48Ca reaction was studied at four ion energies on DGFRS-2 new gas-filled separator installed on DC280 cyclotron channel based on the SHE Factory at FLNR JINR. Data on the properties of nuclei in the 275Ds, 276Ds decay chains are of great importance for identifying of Element 120 which can be synthesized in 54Cr+245Cm reaction.