Meeting of the lyceum students with Academician Yu.Ts.Oganessian: “Chose the direction – keep the goal”

On January 25, 2023 in the assembly hall of V.G.Kadyshevskii lyceum Academician Yu.Ts.Oganessian, FLNR Scientific Leader answered students’ questions as a part of “One hundred questions to a Leader” project.
The world famous scientist told the children what books and school subjects he liked in his childhood, what motivated him to make scientific discoveries, which direction of physics would be perspective in the near future (astrophysics), recalled the history of discovery of atomic nucleus and suggested what our world would be without nuclear physics
It became known during the conversation that Yuri Oganessian was a goalkeeper of Dubna football team in his youth; that Francisco Goya was his favorite artist and Jean-Luc Godard was his favorite film director.
The first question was traditional for the lyceum and was about what it meant to be a leader. Yuri Oganessian answered that a leader for him was a person who was looked at, believed in and followed. For example he said about Academician Georgy Flerov: “Flerov didn’t teach me – I learned looking at him.”
Many other questions were answered during the meeting. At the end of it Academician Oganessian signed several books for the school chemistry laboratory and was photographed with the students who asked questions.